How to work with this programme
The program is flexible without a set schedule, so that you can use it in the way that works best for you and your schedule.
The program is divided into 4 parts that should roughly coincide with your menstrual cycle:
Part 1- menstruation
Part 2 - regeneration
Part 3 - ovulation and beyond
Part 4 - waiting
Start the course whenever! You can jump in at any part, you do not need to wait till you get your period to start at Part 1, the course is cyclical, so you can start at any point.
If you have a regular 28-day cycle, the easiest way may be to start a new section each week, so you can stay on Part 1 menstruation for 7 days even if your period only lasts 5 days if that feels easier for you.
Or you can also move on to the next part whenever you are ready. So if your period is just 4 days and you feel like moving on to Part 2 after those 4 days, that's also fine. However, do try to complete all the material from each part before you move on. (Although feel free to skip the yoga if you have health/mobility issues which make it difficult).
Within each section, how you complete the material is also up to you. There are some suggested schedules below, but these are just suggestions.
If you have more time, you can do the meditations and yoga videos more often - you can even do everything every day. It's not possible to do them too much! But if you have less time, aim for each video or recording at least once.
If you're going to do more activities in the same session, I recommend you start with yoga followed by meditation followed by journaling.
The 'everyday mindfulness' activities, are exactly what they say, these should be done every day but they take just a few moments of noticing while you go about your regular life, so they don't add much time.
You can keep doing the course for as long as you want. It's not intended you do it for one month and then finish (unless you are pregnant, then wonderful!). You can do each part again and again, there will only be more benefits.