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The Mindful Way Through TTC
Welcome to the Mindful Way through TTC (8:47)
How to work with this programme
The importance of listening to your body and mind
Should I chart my menstrual cycle?
I'm going through IVF - how do I use the course?
A bit about me ...
Need more support?
Cycle part 1: Menstruation
Introduction and overview (10:03)
Everyday mindfulness: mindful eating
Journaling: writing to heal
Mini meditation: Turning towards menstrual discomfort
Mini meditation: Turning towards difficult emotions
Meditation: Body Scan
Yoga for menstruation (17:46)
Cycle part 2: Regeneration
Introduction and overview (4:37)
Everyday mindfulness: simple awareness (2:11)
Journaling: a letter to a friend
Mini meditation: Self-compassion break
Meditation: exanding awareness
Yoga: standing flow for strength and growth (16:00)
Cycle part 3: Ovulation and beyond
Introduction and overview (5:12)
Everyday mindfulness: pleasant events
Journaling: what can go wrong / right
Mini meditation: 3 minute breathing space
Mountain meditation
Yoga: Open and relax (23:31)
Cycle part 4: Waiting
Introduction and overview (6:20)
Everyday mindfulness: mindful walking
Journaling: best thing that's happened today
Mini meditation: STOP
Mini meditation: Pause with gratitude
Meditation: Loving kindness
Yoga: Accepting what is (18:37)
Bonus: to test or not to test?
Yoga: Open and relax
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